We made a little Windows tool for autocropping PNG images! It helped me save hours of my time, and it ran fast. I hated to use PNG files that had extra white space.
It is a one-time payment, and it costs just $9. Because you are on Discord, I want to give you 50% off, as I greatly appreciate you! 😍 Just use the code in the checkout: cropper
Why use it? ✅ It helps reduce the size of the PNG images. And in bulk, it counts. ✅ It is easier to use PNG files in various apps. Imagine using 5 PNG files that have white space. It isn't enjoyable to work with them. Crop them 🙂 ✅ It works for folders and subfolders so you can run it on millions of images simultaneously. ✅ intuitive UI, ✅ Don't need to upload and then download hundreds of images from online tools. ✅ No restrictions on how many PNG files you need to crop, ✅ We respect your privacy. Everything happens locally, and it is as private as it can be, ✅ You can add prefixes or suffixes in bulk.
Your voice matters to me 💬 I would love your feedback on the tool, even if you don't buy it. I want to help you decrease your tedious tasks as it can save you some hours of work or frustration at most negligible.
If you have any feature requests, please let me know, too ❤️